muzak | books | pics | flics | about


I set up this 'company' in 1993 , thinking of it as a company for craftspeople, providing non-profit advice and online infrastructure to artists. An embryonic online 'workspace' was set up to track key technologies in 'muzak, books, pics and flics' and to partners develop their projects..

The National Centre of Supercomputing Applications "What's New" page for November 1993 reprinted an email I'd sent to the mailing list.

"While development continues on making the World Wide Web more sophisticated, efforts should be made to put this technology to other uses -- some more relevant to the arts than to the sciences."

I was delighted to receive a response from Tim Berners-Lee himself. The web was a little smaller then. was, to my knowledge, the first web site in Sydney, Australia, and certainly the first announced publicly.

In 1997 the company was incorporated in New South Wales. In 1998 the company moved its base of operations to London and expanded its online workspace to include streaming media and XML content management.

Through on and off-line relationships with leading creative studios, technology developers and media channels, we are furthering the development and production of the most innovative cross-cultural cross-media interactive content.

In addition to large-scale corporate projects, continues to nurture new ideas through its association with socially aware projects. We welcome opportunities to work for social/environmental change through innovation.

Last updated 20020705