was established in 1993 by Michela Ledwidge, Managing Director. The company started as TLWM-A-TQC (The Less Words Make -Always- The Quality Company), a 'company for craftspeople', providing non-profit advice and online infrastructure to individual artists. An embryonic online 'workspace' was set up to publish 'muzak, books, pics and flics' and to host partner development content. web site was the first recorded web site in New South Wales, Australia.

The National Centre of Supercomputing Applications "What's New" page for November 1993 quoted from the's first press release:
"While development continues on making the World Wide Web more sophisticated, efforts should be made to put this technology to other uses -- some more relevant to the arts than to the sciences."

In 1997 TLWM-A-TQC was incorporated in Australia, and began offering a range of interactive services to paid clients.

In 1998 the company moved its base of operations to London, UK and began trading as ltd.

In 2004, media production work was spun off into a separate company MOD Films.

In 2008, Michela moved to back to Sydney to set up a local R&D lab.