
November 30, 2004

Character study - CD


CD is a cheeky, and somewhat unhinged, crudely-drawn stick figure guy created by Blake to be Blade’s companion in virtual worlds. The “Customised Dude” has various functions but ultimately he is a guide.

Although usually depicted as humanoid, CD is completely flexible in terms of appearance (like Genie in Aladdin). Fluid transformation is part of his hyper-active antics (Roger Rabbit). He is capable of mimicking any voice or appearance given sufficient information. He is based on illegal software – in the wrong hands he is dangerous.

CD is a digital imp, a shadow, a screensaver, visual entertaining yet cobbled together from existing software. His face is recognizable in any form that he takes. He is designed as an amusement, kind of funny looking, a little strange.

Blake is not a visual artist. She has sketched out CD badly but this is indicative of her focus on substance over style, functionality rather than form. We need to get the sense that more attention has been paid to CD (customising his code) then has been paid to the real world by Blake. CD stands in stark contrast to the beautifully rendered villains he encounters. Minimal effort on visual appearance, maximum personality.

Where did CD come from? Blake started with a copy of FRANC (Federal Reactive Agent Non-Classified), illegal agent software that she found on one of Dad's machines. The 'Customised Dude' has gone through heavy modification and extension to arrive at where we see him today.

CD is illegal because his programming is both powerful and unstable. He's a little like a loaded gun. Blake is still working out his capabilities. This is a walking talking virus/graffitti/tamagotchi style character that demands attention from Blake.

CD has a bug which has yet to be been ironed out. He cannot function in isolation. Blake/Blade has to be in constant contact, rather like dealing with a small child, otherwise he starts to mal-function. Blake has been meaning to attend to this.

CD has one easter egg. The sound of the macarena acts like an override to his system. If heard, CD will start to jump around dancing like a lunatic and be unable to function normally. This was coded for Blake's amusement and like many things she has never gotten around to switching it off. He is her pet after all.

CD is the most difficult (and most interesting) character in the film and his styling needs to work both in 3D as a character and also in 2D (as part of the State’s GUI). Stylistically, CD, the State GUI and the DENR logo all come from the same place.<

CD's humanoid shape must contain nodes that can double as rhythm game notation - e.g. the nodes in the wavy line in Gitaroo Man

CD scratchpad in the Wiki

Posted by .M. at November 30, 2004 07:57 AM

An example of illegal software online (sung to try and get around US laws - but MP3.com didn't buy it)


Posted by: .M. at September 13, 2004 02:58 PM
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