
September 17, 2003

Random Notes

3-Layer system

"Cinema layer" - that which is controlled - perhaps Archaos
"Presentation Layer" - ontop of cinema layer - controls/diagrams are drawn here
"Controller" - looking at gamepad/keyboard for controls

The user interface, provided by presentation layer and controller is consistent in terms of action and effect, but not in terms of content.

Transformation of CD into user interface
CD - the character, as a stick figure, morphs into the user interface in the presentation layer.
User Interface stylistically similar to CD

User Interface/Presentation layer
User Interface is always (only?) present when control is active, ie, the user is able to control the presentation.

Time and sequencing of events
Must be able to sequence media elements/events
Must have some way of authoring this, plus authoring synchronisation
Same component handles audio and video event/media sequencing
XML format for asset composition lists
"Groover" reads XML
Notion of a default effect for a path - something which is controlled by the buttons on the game pad directly

Message panel
Gives feedback
Narrative exposition

Chunked into pieces
Issues related to scheduling of audio vs. video
No audio sequencing for things like lipsych - accuracy may be hard


Use flash for the user interface/presentation layer ?
Can flash access a game pad ?
If flash is embedded in an application, what level of control over it is present

Creation of dynamic elements in presentation/rhythm game layer may be difficult (?)
Flash and dynamic diagrams
OpenGL vs flash

Cinema layer
Must be able to cope with at least 4 mins of loaded video
Latency between video tracks extreemly important
Worried about panoramas


Load n clips (movies) into cinema layer and play one after another - clip-clip performance
Watch for latency effects - have to be able to start one piece of video exactly when another finishes
External control latency - Driven from C++ or flash
Preloading video
Panorama to video transitions

Posted by .M. at September 17, 2003 11:04 AM
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