NESTA suggestions:
"Tell us what your project has cost so far and where these funds have come from e.g. from your own pocket, contributions from other team members or from external sources and if so who and how much. You should also tell us about any in-kind commitments that had a value."
This project has been funded almost entirely through revenue earned as a technical architect and online consultant. My company,, has invested in developing this project. The key expenditure, vital to the project, has been the re-gaining of all rights from Brilliant Digital (£8500).
The costs associated in achieving the progress described in 3.4a is made up research, wages, and living expenses while working on the project.
A table that breaks down this expenditure, has been provided as an attachment.
Breakdown of expenditure on project to-date
Criterion Software have given the project a free evaluation license for their game engine technology on which to base the demo, if desired, and have offered an intital quote of £25,000 for commercial use of their full set of game middleware technology. We have budgeted on the assumption that Criterion will not support their full set of technology for free and so negotiations are continuing to reduce up-front costs for any development based on the innovation of this project.
Many advisors have contributed free or pro-bono advice to the project over the years and particularly in the last six months.
Posted by .M. at October 17, 2003 12:47 PM