
October 17, 2003

4.2 - Who owns the idea / product?

NESTA suggestions:

Please describe clearly the ownership of any intellectual property related to the project. If any team members have a share in the ownership please provide details here. If anyone may have a claim on ownership of the intellectual property that is not currently formally recognised you should detail that here. If the intellectual property is owned, either wholly or in part, by any third party please provide their contact details here.

All story intellectual property related to "SANCTUARY" and "ten weeks in the head bin" is owned by Michela Ledwidge.

The interactive screenplay property "ten weeks in the head bin" was originally written under contract in 1997 to Brilliant Interactive Ideas and Brilliant Digital Entertainment through Michela's Australian personal investment vehicle, TLWM-A-TQC Pty Ltd. All rights to the script property were bought back in 2002 using funds frm thequality.com, Michela's UK personal investment vehicle.

The technical design in relation to the console product is similarily an original idea based on Michela's activities as a writer, technical architect and performer.

Posted by .M. at October 17, 2003 02:18 PM
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