
October 17, 2003

6.3 Do you think that your project and its outcomes might extend or cross over traditional boundaries between fields and disciplines in a novel and creative way? If so, how?

One of the things NESTA is looking for is the intention to extend the boundaries of a discipline or field, or to cross over the boundaries into another discipline or field, for example bringing together elements of the arts and sciences. We are looking to see if your project draws on ideas from different contexts and brings them together in new, unusual and surprising ways. However please note that whilst we seek to actively encourage projects of a cross-disciplinary nature this is not an essential requirement for projects that we fund.

Absolutely. This is the essence of our product.

The project is an artistic bridge between film and interactive entertainment. This has been attempted before, but never to the extent of designing the film story as a musical instrument. No cinema quality film has ever been given to its audience in pieces, in the form of a library of re-mixable art. No director has encouraged the audience to tamper with "the work" to this degree. An architect builds something in order for it to be inhabited. This is how I see film. No film director has ever placed equal emphasis on 35mm, game console and online community channels.

The outcome of this project could easily change the way traditional media is viewed and exploited; The relevance of new media perspectives on old media will be clearer to more people as a result of this project.

Posted by .M. at October 17, 2003 03:17 PM
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