
November 26, 2003

Interactive fiction

"What I see is an interactive drama for the masses who have computers, but who are not 'gamers'." Randy Littlejohn

So how does the re-mixable film idea mesh with the interactive fiction community? My idea is simply that this kind of film be re-purposable for the AI and IF folks to play with. We concentrate on making art and go the one extra step to provide a low level interface so it's of practical benefit to different communities. I think that will be enough of a challenge for SANCTUARY. What do you all think?

HfC was supposed to be re-purposable only BDE overestimated the capabilities of their software. Any notion of re-purposing Pan, his forest, and misc. other elements of the film went out the window when early tests came up nought. It wasn't possible to re-use Pan's head from the banner ad (our test) in the final movie the way we envisaged.

Posted by .M. at November 26, 2003 11:10 AM

If this is going in the proposal, and probably even if it's not, you shouldn't really say they lied.

Posted by: ken at November 26, 2003 03:11 PM

Fair enough.

Posted by: .M. at November 26, 2003 03:55 PM
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