
August 17, 2004


Billy is in his early teens and doesn't quite know what he's going to do with his life. All he knows is that he loves Manga and all forms of Computer Animation, and that when he recently saw 'Animatrix' he became totally obsessed with the idea that a film could have multiple-themes and narratives which could be handled by a number of different film-makers in a variety of different styles. He doesn't know about MOD Films yet but when he eventually discovers the site, it might just become a 'turning point' for him.

Posted by alex at August 17, 2004 04:42 PM

OK, let's say he's had his turning point. What does he do? Want to do? What resources do we provide for Billy? Is he going to simply lurk, review stuff, or even try his hand creating stuff? Is he interested in interactive re-use or linear re-use or both?

Sounds like he's a film bod not a game bod. Make that explicit

Posted by: .M. at September 15, 2004 02:19 PM

I think at this stage he'll happily try both, till he gets more confident.. then he may well be that COWBOY the Remix subculture is looking for. I see Billy as an ANIME bod, who also enjoys playing all the lastest Japanese games. The fact is you never know where your next ground-breaker's gonna come from - film school, anime fansite, online gaming tournament... I wouldn't put all my CHIPS on the guys with all the so-called 'right credentials', sometimes it's the hungry kids that are gonna really turn things around!! I'm seeing a lot of wild cards making headway in the social netowrk communities right now... lots of smart asses as well of course!!

Posted by: Alex Zinzi at September 17, 2004 03:46 PM
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