
March 14, 2005

Letter to film crew

Dear all,

Luke and Zoe are leaving the project at this point so there is a handover in progress. Please bear with me while we sort out the state of play and get a clearer view of what has been produced to-date so that loose ends can be tied up and the production can move forward. If you have other commitments we should know about, or you are no longer available at all, please let me know by Wednesday 9am.

The meeting with the AFC went well today. A decision will probably be made tomorrow in Melbourne by the head of Film Development as to whether or not the AFC invests in the project.

The press release has been picked up by a few places (e.g. if magazine, rights.apc.org.au) and ironically many of today’s callers have been sympathetic MEAA members…

Our Casting issue has progressed so stay tuned on that one. One of the options we have is to simply ignore the MEAA ruling and press ahead with contracting the actors. The MEAA stance on this issue has generated so much ill feeling amongst MEAA members that this may yet prove to be the best way forward. However I should point out that anyone else in the crew, who are professional members of organizations associated with the MEAA, should consider any ramifications that this may bring. This project is not without controversy. Speaking for myself, I will not take it the wrong way if any of you choose not to proceed on that basis but I also feel that there is growing support for what I’m trying to do here and that this set-back may yet prove to be an opportunity to make the best possible film.

Feel free to call me for any more information but you can help me by passing on to Luke all the work completed or in progress to-date so that we can take stock of where we’re at and move forward.


Posted by .M. at March 14, 2005 09:37 AM
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