
July 20, 2005

Enter the Dragons

I've applied to the BBC show the Dragon's Den. Here's what I put in the application for £200K.


One line: The future of films is sampling culture. We make subscription-based film worlds that turn any film into interactive entertainment.

Exec Summary: MOD Films is a production company developing a new paradigm - "re-mixable film DVD" titles for home theatres and an online subscription model that works for entertainment, education and corporate video titles. Our patent-ready business methods enable productions of any sized budget to be purpose-built for wider interactivity and be made more directly re-usable, more distribute-able and of course more profitable for a wider range of purposes.

MOD Films received a NESTA Inventions award in 2004 to develop a world-first pilot. The product is a "film world" - a short 35mm film, a software demo, and a film distribution system in one.

We seek further investment to consolidate our team and technology.

Posted by .M. at July 20, 2005 07:58 AM
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