January 22, 2006

modfilms-general list

The modfilms-general list has been updated to be a discussion list now that people are starting to talk to each other more. It's still very low traffic over and above the weekly mail-out. Will shift any longer threads to the web discussion forums if necessary.

Posted by .M. at 05:40 PM | Comments (0)

January 11, 2006

Bit Torrents via Prodigem

I've published a Bit Torrent of the MOD Films video introduction on Prodigem. This is the kind of mechanism we will have to employ to allow distribution to scale.

Prodigem Hosting Service - michela: Introduction to MOD Films

Posted by .M. at 10:09 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

January 09, 2006

Cannes International Critics Week

This is what I'd call a good kick up the arse. Got an email this weekend from a little outfit, known as the Cannes Film Festival, requesting a tape of Sanctuary. The new year has begun with a bang. Now all we need is a completed film! Moving swiftly along...

Actualit�s du Syndicat Fran�ais de la Critique de cin�ma

Posted by .M. at 12:26 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

January 04, 2006

Feedback from Wired

I'm chuffed with the feedback we've been getting from Wired readers. It wasn't a huge piece but there has been positive feedback in my mailbox everyday since it hit the stands. Quite a few letters from teachers wanting to get hold of the assets for their classes.

What's more, we've just received our second DONATION via the Paypal link on the site. People have been signing up via the site for re-mixing access everyday. I'm not giving up my dayjob just yet but it's nice to read about other people getting exciting by the concept (who I haven't cornered in the flesh!) When you're telling a story it's not always that straightforward to differentiate people interested in the idea or just how it's being told. In this case, does it matter?

Posted by .M. at 03:57 AM | Comments (0)

Similar predictions on Big Media

Thanks Stu for sending in this soundbite from the web.

Someone, and I do not know who, will make a big pile of Big Media video assets freely available on the web - and not via Google Video. This will be a major studio, or television company, which will realize that once you free content, content will come back to you in mashed up and remixed glory that has - holy smokes! - real business models like advertising and retail attached. The deal will be simple: anyone can download, rip, and mix this video, but if you plan to make money from it - even selling ads next to it - you have to cut a deal with the mother ship. The company that does this will be heralded as either visionary, lunatic, or both.


Lunatic? Moi? {:-)

Posted by .M. at 03:51 AM | Comments (0)