How I originally saw things 
GREEN Live action. Real or Virtual  POV. Virtual aesthetic limited to colour and framerate (no GUI).    
ORANGE Live action. Virtual POV. Virtual aesthetic includes heads-up display or conventional GUI (e.g real-time GUI elements)
RED Live action. Virtual POV. Virtual aesthetic includes CG elements pre-rendered and integrated with live action.  
The distinction between virtual reality and reality in the story has more to do with the amount of information that is available,
rather than the degree of photo-realism. Immersion is more about how digital elements interact with the real world,
rather than what they look like. 
Therefore there would be no obvious distinction between Blade's POV (from within the virtual simulation of the bush) and
a Trooper's POV (from within the real bush being simulated) because their views are both augmented by the same kind
of technology (the RIG).