July 23, 2002

UK government open source policy

The UK Government has issued its first policy on Open Source.

While it is undoubtedly a good thing that open source is being acknowledged, the policy ducks the issue of the wider implications of open source. Open source, it argues, needs to be considered in terms of value for money and to avoid vendor lock-in.

Nowhere is the notion of actually contributing open source funding or IP. Nor is there any mention of benefits to be had from giving value back to the community.

The argument for OSS providing better security is watered down with caveats.

"Properly configured OSS can be at least as secure as proprietary systems, and OSS is currently subject to fewer Internet attacks"

Thus the UK Government can rightly claim to have responded to the calls for a policy in this area without having to buy into the open source model per se (and support the development of further open source technology). Better than nothing but no huge incentive for government departments to give up their proprietary software procurement deals yet.

Posted by .M. at 10:46 AM | Comments (0)

July 17, 2002

Incubation conference

Back from Incubation, an online writing conference in Nottingham. It was really worthwhile hearing from a range of published authors, academics, and even the odd developer (though not as odd as some of those at more technical conferences).

The most interesting presentation I saw was by Jeremy Diggle who discussed a new online novel - The Global Conservator (marked for September release), in which a goddess from Teutonic myth, airships and salmon fishing combined in particularily compelling fashion.

Kate Pullinger had some interesting things to say about interactive writing, from the perspective of an established print-based author. She has two weblogs.

Martin Rieser presented a selection of his Director multimedia work and his latest book, what seems to be a massively fascinating reference (with DVD included) - The New Screen Media.

Bonnie O'Neill, a screenwriter, spoke about Joseph Campbell and played a section of video interview in which Campbell identifies inherent symbolism within the skyline of New York, arguing for a 'society of the planet'.

Posted by .M. at 10:44 AM | Comments (0)

July 05, 2002

Vapourware of the day

Conceptually fascinating, in substance nothing yet... Cryptids by Butterfly.net.

Info courtesy of e3dnews.

Posted by .M. at 10:40 AM | Comments (0)