Jim, we want you in our community. We accept you'll start off as a lurker but we must have a place for you to feel comfortable about expressing views "as a real film maker".

Possible benefits to you:
* promote your own original asset contributions to the Commons (i.e. your own films)
* meet like-minded film people and potential audience
* test your re-mix ideas out at low cost using community projects and MOD Films titles
* get MOD Films to help with your productions

Posted by .M. at September 15, 2004 02:50 PM

We must aim to keep the Jims tuned in without feeling SWAMPED by techno-babble and too-much-information-itis!! Should come up with something the trad film people can SNACK on while getting their info.. just to keep them interested!!

Posted by Alex Zinzi at September 17, 2004 04:05 PM
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