Comments: The Scheme

I think you forgot to included the colours??


Posted by Stuart Nicholls at August 21, 2003 12:31 PM

the post-submission version stutters from the knife scene, then stops altogether at the beginning of the park scene.

Posted by mich at September 1, 2003 05:09 AM

also, the indoor night scenes are much darker (hard to tell what's going on) in the post-submission version than in the original versions.

Posted by mich at September 1, 2003 05:17 AM

where are the subtitles ?

Posted by moikke at September 2, 2003 05:34 PM

Re: Subtitles. What language are you looking for?

Re. dark image. I've put up the initial versions with gamma as adjusted for video not online. A new version will go up once the microsite is complete.

Re:Access problems.
I've updated the page to display a prompt if you've got the wrong Quicktime version. Quicktime 6 is needed. Also, a few people have only been able to access partial copies of the files, suggesting that there are some incomplete cached files out there. The Akamai network is usually good about this kind of thing. Still investigating. The virus problems this month globally have had such an impact on connectivity in general that I can't rule out that this is another side-effect. Keep trying? {:-)

Posted by .M. at September 3, 2003 12:05 PM
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