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May 17, 2002

Here goes...

Don't ask how many publishing systems I've checked out before getting to this point... I know that printers don't have a rep for writing books... overexposure to web tech has clearly left scars...

Anyhow, thanks to stumbling across Aaron Swartz's weblog I've taken the plunge and gone with MovableType.

To think, last weekend I was contemplating getting rid of every piece of tech I own and pursuing a seriously acoustic analogue life (Mich's phrase not mine). Instead, I've set up yet another web server, this new thingy (which I'm already getting good vibes about) and an MP3 streaming server. I'm doomed.

Or perhaps not... the sun was out in London today, I had my hair done, and I don't have to write any code to get my babble published. Here goes the written word...

Posted by .M. at May 17, 2002 04:15 PM

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