You may have heard the Leonard Nemoy "classic" The Ballad of Bilbo Baggins but have you seen the video? Peter Jackson eat your heart out.
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Top marks to the Princeton student whose paper Analysis of the MediaMax CD3 Copy-Prevention System pointed out that holding down SHIFT to disable AutoRun on a Windows PC is enough to circumvent the technology from SunnComm. If there is anything worse than badly implemented Digital Rights Technology, it's the vendors trying to flog this stuff.
Goddang them pesky students. They go and ruin everything!
The new Business Link site, offering practical help and advice for UK small business, has been soft-launched for testing and comments ahead of a public launch next year.
New technical features include RuleML-based "interactive tools" (i.e. decision trees) and RSS content feeds.
I keep pulling this out and emailing it to people. Obviously I've got too much time on my hands. Blogging it here will save time. Swedish popstars for everyone