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RSS Tutorial

Do you want to learn about open content syndication? Have you heard about "blogs", the "Semantic Web", "RDF", or "RSS" but don't know what the fuss is about?

In a nutshell, the Semantic Web is about creating machine-readible content so that software can do more work on your behalf. Try out this simple demonstration:

  1. Go to the dummy blog,, and click on the link labelled 'post article', on the left hand side.
  2. Write something and submit an article. What you type is not important (this is a demonstrator site) but be please be polite. You're being watched. {:-)
  3. Your article will appear on the blog as a news item. Click on the link labelled 'rdf'. This is an XML file (which you can open in any text editor) containing a description of what is on this site. You should see a reference to your article.
  4. Go outside. Get some fresh air. Come back after half an hour and refresh this web page in your browser.
  5. Every half hour, an XML description of the latest content will be read by a small 50-line 'aggregator' script, elsewhere on the Net, and information extracted for publishing.
  6. Can you see your post below?

(Validate feed) (updated )
Google API experiment