May 27, 2002

SRS diary

It's officially seven weeks since the op and here's the score card.

Pain: none. I get the occaisional muscle spasm when inserting the smaller dilator but nothing unbearable.

State of body: I've still got secretions but the sick smelling liquid is long gone and the volume isn't enough to even bother with napkins over. I've been out clubbing a few times and I have noticed however that the more energy I expend the more mucus comes out. Nature's way of telling me to settle down I guess. I don't feel like I've been overdoing it.

State of mind: ask someone less biased {;-) I feel fine. The depression of the last few weeks has subsided, probably not uncoincidentally with some scheduled paid work arriving tomorrow and generally starting to sort out my affairs.

Horizon: I don't go back to Charing Cross until the second week of June so I have to wait until then to ask my burning questions.

Q) How little exercise should I be doing? I want to run, jump, blade and dance.

Q) What can I expect from my clitoris? Is there normally more sensation than this?

Posted by .M. at May 27, 2002 02:22 PM


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