April 12, 2004

Two years since SRS

Last week it was two years since I had SRS, something which in hindsight was pretty life-changing. This may sound glib but at the time it was not something that I gave myself a huge amount of room to consider. With something as drastic as gender re-assignment a huge leap of faith is required. Faith in the medical system, faith in your perception of self, faith in what appears to be the goodwill of others. I challenge anyone to know for sure whether or not they are doing the right thing in such circumstances. For me, I went with what felt right.

Two years later and the memories are receding. Body mods aside, life rolls on, full of surprises and new discoveries. My transsexual identity is less of "an issue" these days as a virtue of which I am quietly proud. Being "made", once such a big deal, is now a subject which has little bearing on my life. If anything, since SRS, I feel more free to express male personality traits more openly. I have the luxury of not having to choose. Playing with dress sense, voice and general intonation, it is possible to play up and play down gender. If only more people understood how successfully gender cues can be manipulated. You are what you do.

Posted by .M. at April 12, 2004 03:27 PM | TrackBack


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