November 12, 2005

Grayson Perry

Grayson Perry, Turner Prize winning artist, was on the TV last night. I hadn't seen him not in a dress before. Prompted me to dig up what the reaction to the "transvestite potter" was back in 2003 when he walked away with £20,000 for his pots.

BBC NEWS | Entertainment | Arts | Turner Prize winner: Your views

Posted by .M. at November 12, 2005 02:02 PM | TrackBack


Grayson Perry is very much his own man. Grayson Perry?s work unsettles the contemporary art world. It is not simply because he chose to accept the Turner Prize 2003 in the persona of his alter-ego 'Claire', dressed in the latest of his art 'coming out' frocks in mauve satin, exquisitely embroidered with rabbits, roses, hearts, and the words 'sissy' and 'Claire', and teamed with white ankle-socks and red patent-leather Mary-Jane shoes. Although, as Perry himself is quick to point out, the 'tranny' (which is how he refers to himself) does have a remarkable capacity to provoke anxiety. That, he explains, is some combination of disappointment and unease at the fragility of the illusion.

Posted by: Grayson Perry fan at February 3, 2006 01:19 PM

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