
August 17, 2004


Davo is a video game developer, designer and user who spends most of his online time conducting forums, discussions and reviewing new PC and Mac games as well as console games by leading retailers like Sony and Nintendo. Basically.. what Davo doesn't know about video games, simply isn't worth knowing. He would love to use the application software licensed by MOD films on some of his own games.

Posted by alex at August 17, 2004 04:23 PM

This sounds less like a gamer than a game developer (gamer usually implying player).

Since we're going to have to piggyback off existing technology to a great extent (rather than create it) I'm not sure how much of an interest our tools will be to a games developer unless they were making a very linear film-like game. The tools for film re-use idea is aimed more at film-makers who don't currently have bespoke tools for making film material re-usable. There is a very sophisticated tools market for games in existence already.

Perhaps Davo would better suit the community if he was looking to re-use IP in his game demos? The cost of creating game art is prohibitive for many people so Davo may well see modfilms.net as a place where he can cobble together resources quicker to create an original game. This is more about using content rather than applications.

Posted by: .M. at September 15, 2004 02:44 PM

You're probably right.. he may turn out to be just another LURKER keeping abreast of 'new developments' without making any contributions to remixable film technology!!

Posted by: Alex Zinzi at September 17, 2004 04:01 PM
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