
January 07, 2005

Meeting notes - Film producer kick-off

Attendees: Michela, Luke, Tiare
Location: MichelaSydneyOffice



* Get casting underway asap
* Preliminary budget needs to be pared back
* Script cuts may be needed


* Move forward on the basis of existing budget £40K
* Tiare to be production mentor
* "jump in" to using forums system for film production
* Online access is compulsory for heads.
* Online database required asap for VFX.
* Clients are xian, luke (VFX info management is top priority. Product Manager will be la. Technical Manager will be michela.
* Production Manager and


* Kick off requirements capture for VFX database in Wiki
* Get back to Nathan at Mullinars to say thanks, no thanks
* Decide on casting director Tue/Wed
* Collate possible schools to observe for bg casting (spot troublemakers) and location spotting
* Chase Roger re. fire
* Contact Chris Winter ABC re. library footage
* Contact Dan Tapster re. Wildlife footage
* Cold Call 3footsix (Peter Jackson prod company, e.g. Jim Rygle head VFX) "I've got a project interested.."
* Review script with view to cut once vfx breakdown/budget/schedule tightened up by xian,luke, tiare

Posted by .M. at January 7, 2005 01:50 AM
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