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From UI brief
Troopers use this to locate activists hiding in bush; floating arrow indicates the direction in which movement was detected. Additional information appears alongside arrow - approx distance, camera network ID
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Two new designs - comments in forum
Federal Agent (original)
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CD (customised dude)
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Had a good brainstorm with Jon today about how to introduce the re-mixable part of the project. What we came up with was the idea (mainly Jon's) of starting with the comic (25 stills) rather than the film itself and introducing the film asset library via a cut-down selection of material that brings this comic to life.
Must get more feedback and get this running within the demo asap.
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I've started mucking about with the rushes in Arkaos VJ. Fug's Motion Matte in particular, a Free Frame plugin, is quite good for suggesting RIG-style machine vision since it uses a simple differencing algorithm to create a b&w matte from movement in the video. The text is a cursor effect flash movie I picked up somewhere.
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Mode changes are going to be a focus this month.
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This clip from "eucalypt" (ABC TV series "Down From The Heart") is exactly what I'm looking for re. pristine, burning and bashed bush.
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Comments on Damon's first previz of RIG
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Should follow sequence of DemoExperience (see Wiki)
Stay on Cinema mode for longer, fullscreen (identical to DVD-Video)
Then show movement arrows and then tilt display towards direction of movement
H3 viz should be in Browser mode on left -
Use Aussie bush video for Cinema mode
Use Aussie bush video + top right score + CD as overlay for Groover
Use distorted/VJ fx Aussie bush video for Switch (e.g. strobe, text scrolling overlay)
Another "cool shit" grab, this one of dynamic line art swirling around an urban dancer. CD can be a mimic at times but also seen as a virtual extension (think exo-skeleton) of Blake. He's a form of RIG in himself.
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This is a very cool mix of what appears to be a 360 degree panorama and video inserts in a similar way to how I envisaged the nanobat/virtual bush mahem might evolve into.
Note the dog panel being tracked.
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Reference showing relation between Blake in bedroom and her avatar. This type of thing is done in 10weeks.
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Damon's done a test of CD
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RogerB contributed this example of "cool encoding errors" showing how we could mess up the virtual point of views.
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I like the way the zoom range value moves in time with the picture and the gritty nature of the switching. This was from a documentary on the Amazon that was on TV last night.
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Neverwhere, BB2 series written by Neil Gaiman (Sandman), has a cool reference sequence in which the characters enter Portico's "associative house" where every element is in a different location.
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Spotted this on the TV the other day. Nice little scribble man.
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NESTA kindly gave us recent investees some training and the opportunity to pitch our projects to an audience at the Science Museum.
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This is very crude but still it's the first full run-through.
UI and screen details need to be honed in on to make the narrative work but hopefully its starting to become clearer.
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