NAME: Joni Jaeger (Film Student)
AGE: 25
Joni is a Film & Media Student at UCLA who is trying to find a way to finance her own film projects, much like Jim, though her background is more on the side of computer animation and video editing. She loves to rework old footage 'just for kicks,' and whe not waitressing at the downtown Café Kafka, she spends a lot more time than she should collaborating with some of her fellow students on a sporadic number of mixed media projects including a remake of the classic 70's video game 'Space Invaders' which combines actors and 'old school' computer graphics.
Joni has an original first edition iMac G4 at home, bought by her dad for her 21st Birthday and it's her pride and joy. She has pirated versions of Final Cut Pro and Photoshop which her boyfriend Mitch, who's a well-known DJ on the Californian Rave circuit, bought in a market in Indonesia last year. Joni would be a 'natural ally' for MOD Films because she would see it as a logical extension of what she's doing at university anyway, and her lack of practical experience in film would only motivate her to get more actively involved in forum discussions so that she could learn some neat new tricks. She would probably join in on community conversations if she thought it would be FUN as well as educational.